17....hmmm....different....older....more mature....sorta....ok maybe not....but definitely older..:)
I got my ACT score back the other day and i made my beloved 26. Thus ensuring i will graduate with Honors and more than likely get the Hope Scholarship. BUT i am also eligible for the academic scholarship from PCC. I would LOVE to go to PCC but i'm not sure what God would have me do right now...not really even sure what He wants me to go into as far as a major.
Wow...my life is boring because that is all i can think to tell ya...oh i cut down a tree today...fun fun!
Waiting for my friend and his sister to finish a 700 page book so i can read it... i am 142 on the waiting list at the library and mom won't let me buy it so i'm about to go crazy. He is only on page 185 last i checked and then sam has to read it.
I've gottin to page 55 just reading it in walmart and books-a-millon.
Oh...Faith tagged me so i must tell you 6 things about me.
1) I LOVE TO READ!!! But it really has to be a book that catches my interest for me to REALLY enjoy it...For example some of my favs are Eragon and Eldest which are more adventure and fantasy with a little hint of romance. I also love Letter Perfect, Bittersweet, Pat of Silver Bush, A Lady of Hidden Intent, which are the ones that have more romance with a bit of adventure.
(Basically anything by Bethany House Publishers will sufice)
2) I have offically decided that though i don't believe guys have "Cooties" i will stay far away from them because they are ever changing their minds...and i like to avoid confusion.
3) I am still learning to drive but doing more and more of it....i drive back and forth to my grandparents alot by my self and was allowed to drive to goodletsville yesterday of course with my mom in the passenger seat. I do not have my liscense but i will be getting it this summer.
4) I can't stand to touch velvet or write with chalk...gives me the ultimate CREEPS! I can wear velvet, because the inside is silky, i just can't lay my hands in my lap or touch the outside of the clothing.
5) I am slightly OCD. I can't sleep if my bedroom door is open. I can't sleep if it is closed but not snapped.
6) I will be faking all the 16th notes in the first song of our 2008 Christmas contata at SHBC.
Ok...now i'm gonna tag Tessa :)